好培训网合作机构 > 学校机构 > 天津黑利伯瑞国际学校 欢迎您!
发布时间:2016-10-24 14:46:09
This week the primary school students and their teachers ventured out on an adventure to the Tianjin?Nature Museum. ?本周小学部的学生和老师前往天津自然博物馆进行了一场奇趣的探险。
Our year one students were very excited as this was their very first school excursion. ?一年级的同学们非常兴奋,因为这是他们第一次进行校外教学。
When we arrived it was time for class photographs and an opportunity to rest, relax and think about the exciting things we would discover inside the museum. ?到达目的地后,各班稍作休整,拍班级合照,大家想象着博物馆里有怎样奇特的事物等待我们去探索。
And we weren’t disappointed! ?There were around-the-world animal exhibits, interactive activities and so much information to learn about our natural world from our very well-informed guides.果然没有让我们失望!这里展示了全世界不同国家和地区的动物,馆内还有各种互动活动。讲解员的精心讲解让学生们学到了很多关于自然界的知识。
It was an exciting nature safari for everyone! ?On the bus ride back to school the students excitedly discussed what they had seen, learnt and discovered. ?每位师生都经历了一场奇妙的自然探索之旅!在回学校的大巴车上,学生兴奋地讨论着他们今天的所见、所闻、所学。