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咨询热线 13305008725


发布时间:2018-07-28 22:51:22

am来自英国,语言与文学专业硕士学历,获得TEFL教学资格证书,曾任职于州教育部门担任CBAP工作(Employee Central Bureau Applications and Placements) ,教学严谨,课堂气氛轻松、互动,他思维开阔,对不同的事物有独特理解和看法,热爱中国文化,更热爱与中国学生一起交流学习,言谈举止中充满了学者的气质和睿智!

Hello everyone, my name is Sam and I am from the  England . Together with Janneke,my girlfriend, we decided to change our lives completely. After graduating from university where I studied Language & Culture Studies, I worked in The Netherlands for quite a while, and we felt the time was ripe for a new challenge. So we decided to sell everything we own, quit our jobs, and say farewell to our friends and parents! 

Beforeleaving for China we decided not only to travel, but also to gain new work experience, learn a new language and get to know another culture. So we completed the TEFL program and packed our bags. We think we are really lucky to have ended up in Yangshuo and to have found Zhuo Yue English college, as it gives us the opportunity to fulfill exactly these goals. Having been here for approximately five weeks now I can definitely say that teaching here is a rewarding and fantastic job, and I plan to stay here for a long time! 

Sam老师,美女老师Janneke的男朋友,两位可谓是男才女貌啊,同样来自英国的一个小镇。大学的专业是语言与文化学,并拿到了硕士学位。毕业后在 英国 兰工作了几年,知道一天觉得时机成熟,做出重大决定,实现人生的重大转变。所以,他变卖所有家产,辞掉工作,告别父老乡亲,千里迢迢来到了中国。

就在离开 英国 之前,他和女朋友一起接受了英语教育培训,并拿到了TEFL教师资格证。小两口至今还觉得庆幸停留在了正确的地方—阳朔。他们爱上了阳朔的良辰美景,他们爱上了卓悦英文书院的精彩与卓越。
