咨询热线 0511-88690665


发布时间:2021-04-16 09:28:03


总述:according to the/ as can be seen from the / it is clear/apparent/obvious from the figures that...

组成:make up/occupy/constitute/account for/take up

排名:a ranked/ the highest/ est with the figure of, followed by B and C

比较:a is almost/nearly/over/approximately a quarter/half/one/third/twice/four times as many/much/long/large as B/ A is N times that of B


上升:increase/ go up/rise/grow/shoot up/soar/jump/rocket/climb/take off

下降:come down/drop/decrease/decline/fail/slide/slip/shrink/collapse/plunge/plummet

波动:fluctuate/zigzag/up&down/wave/level off frequently

稳定不变:hold/remain/stay at the same level

谷值:reach a lowest point/bottom out at

峰值:reach a peak/peak at/top out at/summit at
