托福:114分(口语29分) 主教科目:基础英语、托福口语、雅思口语、雅思写作、托福写作 毕业于纽约州布法罗大学,语言功底深厚,深谙中西文化,擅长将课堂与实际应用结合,用生动的例子和经验打动学生,善于激发及培养基础薄弱学生的学习兴趣,将枯燥的课堂转变为生动的语言实践平台,让学生牢记知识点的同时灵活运用。注重因材施教,能根据不同程度的学生需求制定高效专属课程计划,让学生在短期内得到最快提升。他的课,严肃、严格,纯干货,处处是方法、处处是技巧。
Graduated from University of Buffalo. Owning a deep yet sophisticated understanding of American culture; specialised in combining lecture with current time events to demonstrate about speaking topics, especially to those who lack the initiatve to begin lagnauge study. Turning the sterotypical “classroom”into a practical platform for communicating and true comprehension towards English learning. Meanwhile, to make sure sutdents can absorb as much as they possibly could, he designed the class to be targeting areas where study methods can be appropriately utilised. Dedicating to each student individually while also maintaing a strict yet playful style is thing he takes very seriously and professionally. Without doubt, as far as “commitment”goes, he is the best to offer.