主教科目:雅思口语、雅思听力、雅思写作、托福口语 6年以上雅思口语、听力教学经验,毕业于英国利兹大学教育学硕士,英语专业八级,口语流利,发音地道,曾任天津市教委在英访问期间随行翻译,并多次在国内各高校巡讲,游历中西多国,对英伦文化有深刻体会与认知,多年专研各类国际语言考试,授课方式活泼幽默、深入浅出,培养出数百名高分学员,深受学生喜爱,她的课,气场十足、张弛有度。
Owning over six-year teaching experience on Speaking and Listening. Graduated from University of Leeds, UK and majored in education. Advanced oral english capability with authentic pronunciation and intonation. Being recruited as the interpreter for Tianjin Education Bureau during the academic visiting in the UK. Hosting various lectures in tertiary educational institutions, and the vivid presentation embraces effective learning outcomes, namely massive amount of students with high scores after participating in intenational language tests.