发布时间:2016-05-09 15:07:34
先来看看新航道为您准备的第一部分口语新题吧——People & Animal篇。可能会涉及到的就是这些啦:
Describe a person moves to a new accommodation.搬新住所的人
Describe someone you enjoy being together.想在一起的人
Describe a leader you admire.崇拜的领导
Describe a person you 丨丨ke(sportsman. musician).喜欢的人(运动员、音乐家)
Describe a person who has apologized to you.向你道歉的人
Describe one of your best friends.好朋友
Describe someone you admire who is much older than you .尊敬的长辈
Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.有趣的动物
怎么样,这部分掌握了吗。好滴,来看看第二部分吧。 Events篇。
Describe a short journey that you disliked.不喜欢的短途旅行
Describe a wedding you have been to.婚礼
Describe a situation that you got angry.生气
Describe an activity you do to keep fit.保持健康
Describe an occasion when you ate a kind of food for the first time.第一次吃的东西
Describe a positive change you have made.积极的改变
Describe a method that helps you save money.省钱
Describe an interesting tradition in your country.传统
Describe an activity you did when the schoo丨 ends.课余活动
Describe a time when you share something with others.分享
Describe an experience you take notes when you study.学习笔记
Describe a dinner that you had with your friends.和朋友的一次晚餐
Describe a short trip that was special to you.特殊旅行
Describe a happy event in your childhood.儿时趣事
Describe the first time that you used a foreign language to communicate.第一次说外语
Describe a time you helped someone.帮助他人
Describe a sport that you have recently learnt for the first time.新学的运动
Describe one activity stopped by the weather. 天气改变计划
Describe an ole thing that youi* family has kept for a long time.家中老物件
Describe a piece of clothing that was given to you by someone you know.别人送的衣服
Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.儿时玩具
Describe a product you bought and felt happy with.开心购物
Describe a big company you are interested in.感兴趣的大公司
Describe an interesting places in your city.你所在城市的有趣的地方
Describe a place near water that you enjoyed visiting.近水之地
Describe a place that has b的n polluted.污染之地
Describe an APP in your computer or phone.有用的 APP
Describe an article that you read from maga2ine or newspaper.读过的杂志报纸文章
Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in.有趣的当地新闻
Describe an interesting story you saw on TV.有趣的电视故事
Describe a photo of yourself you have taken.自拍照片
Describe a mistake that you once made.犯错
Describe a good character of personality of yours.好性格
Describe your favorite season or time of the year.軎欢的季节
Describe a traffic law/rule.交通法
Describe a good news you ever heard.好消患
Describe a difficult choice you made.困难选择
Describe a time when you had to work hard to achieve a goal.目标
Describe a job you like to do in the future.未来理想的工作