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艺趣房子:“逻辑思维”阶段 课程特色:以美术活动形式开展优质的绘画、手工、美术欣赏等课程。亲近自然,开展户外活动,收集美术素材和创作材料,进行综合性的创作。 婴幼儿培训教学目标:1.保持孩子对美术的新鲜感和亲近感,诱发探索艺术的求知欲。 2.对艺术对象有艺术化的夸张处理,突显孩子的个性。 3.感受多样的艺术形式,熟练运用多种绘画媒材。 4. 培养能动思维方式和自信人格。

Easy-go House: Stage of “logic thought” Curricula Features: Quality curricula, like drawing, handcraft and art appreciation, are provided in the way of art activities. Children have the chances to get close to the nature in outdoor activities, in which they can collect artistic materials and innovation inspirations for their comprehensive creation. Teaching Goal: 1. Keep children’s fresh and friendly feeling in art and inspire them for art exploration; 2. Highlight children’s individuality by means of artistic exaggeration in their art works. 3. Have children feel various artistic forms and master different mixed media. 4. Cultivate children’s active thinking and encourage their confidences.

艺趣房子 关键词:综合性创作、艺术性思考、自信人格 成长特点:5——6岁的幼儿到了小学学龄期,儿童的思维已由初期的具体形象思维向抽象逻辑思维发展,不仅考虑到了事物的外部特征,而且能认识其内部特征和内在联系并进行概括。 我是真的长大了,纸张、画笔、剪刀都是我多年的好朋友,我不再像以前简单的涂涂画画,我已经是个小艺术家了,画、涂、染、剪、折,我样样在行,还有我的作画材料是我自己收集的,能随时随地地能表演“画画”,我还是妈妈的“服装顾问”。更重要的是老师培养我的观察方法和思维方式,将伴随我的一生!

Easy-go House: Key words: comprehensive innovation; artistic thought; confident personality Children’s Characteristics: Children of 5~6 years old has reached school age, and their mind is developing from physically imaginary thinking to abstractly logical thinking. They not only take the appearance features into consideration, but are also getting to know the deep features and inner relationships for further judgment. I really have grown up. Paper, brush-pencil and scissors are my old friends. I’m not just scrawling like before. Now I am a little artist. I’m good at drawing, painting, coloring, cutting and paper folding. These drawing materials are collected by myself. I can draw anytime and anywhere. Now I have become mum’s “costume advisor”. Even more, my teacher has taught me how to observe and think, and I know, this will be helpful in my whole life!


艺趣快乐房子课程是专为2.5—6.5岁的儿童设计,旨在开发孩子的想象力、创造力以及多角度思考能力。通过五感体验,美术式思维的引导,以主题课程为载体,启发孩子们的想象空间。艺趣快乐房子有别于传统注入式的美术教学,让孩子们在更为广阔的立体空间和快乐的游艺空间感知事物。 “艺趣——快乐房子”为孩子们营造一个自由、快乐、充满创意的艺术活动空间,力求用更快乐的教学方法,去挖掘孩子真实的感受,增加孩子们创艺意识,提高孩子的审美能力。 “艺趣——快乐房子”是大卫美术教育旗下的优质幼儿美术教育品牌基地,本基地以高参与性的艺术创造性活动贯穿始终,以户内生动有趣的游艺体验和户外绿色自然的艺术活动为主体,注重活动过程中的“无痕”教育和艺术熏陶,启发孩子们发现美、感受美、创造美,并培养良好的学习和生活习惯,开发孩子的创造性思维,达到情商和智商的协调发展,启迪孩子的一生。

  • 学校名称:长沙艺趣早教


    授课地址:长沙市韶山北路湖南图书馆培训楼4楼(通程国际大酒店旁) 免费参观